Prince Hall

Prince Hall

A freed slave who is a leader of Boston’s black community.

Prince Hall was freed from slavery around 1770 and spent the rest of his life doing what he could to abolish it and to create a support network for the other free black men of his town. He supported the Revolution, hoping  the new nation would bring greater freedom for his race. When it did not, he focused and organized his community to campaign for racial equality. 

From the Card:

  • You are born into slavery but you gain freedom in 1770.
  • You dabble in various business ventures and eventually become a successful leather merchant.
  • You face social discrimination in Boston. Unable to join the Freemasons because of your race, you form African Lodge No.1.
  • After the Revolution, you petition to end slavery in Massachusetts, but the petition fails.
  • When you die, your lodge renames itself the Prince Hall Grand Lodge in your honor.

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