John Fleeming

John Fleeming

A Scottish printer whose partnership with a hated Loyalist puts him in great danger.

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John Fleeming and his partner printed a higher quality product than any other newspaper in town, but some of the paper’s opinions were unpopular enough to make the men targets of public rage . Fleeming, meanwhile, went against what might be expected when he married and married the sister of an active Patriot and he remained in the town when his partner returned to Scotland. 

From the Card:

  • The newspaper you print insults Patriot leaders. Patriots hate you but you have more readers than any other Boston newspaper.
  • After personal attacks, your business partner flees Boston but you continue the business.
  • You fall in love with the sister of a Patriot leader and marry her in secret. As the war begins you beg your brother-in-law to abandon the Revolution.
  • Your business fails and you are forced to sell your equipment and flee Boston in 1776. The Massachusetts government declares that you will be killed if you ever return.

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