Margaret Gage

Margaret Gage

A strong-willed American socialite who marries the Commander of British troops in America.

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Margaret Gage’s story is incredibly unique and frustrating because there is so much that we don’t know. How did she feel about her own husband fighting a war against her homeland? Which side did she personally support? Was she really a spy? Her torn loyalties must have meant intense inner conflict, but because of a lack of diaries or letters, we may never know the truth. 

From the Card:

  • You are from an influential New Jersey family.
  • You don’t want to leave your family and friends when your husband, General Gage, is appointed Royal Governor of Massachusetts.
  • As an American married to a senior British officer, you are politically conflicted.
  • You are suspected of spying for the Patriots, but it has never been proven.
  • Either out of concern for your safety, or because he suspects you of spying, your husband sends you to England. He later joins you and you live together peacefully.

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