Lucy Knox

Lucy Knox

A woman who is forced to choose between a Patriot husband and a Loyalist family.

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Although of course some 18th century marriages were arranged for political or financial gain, there was often a large degree of choice, too. Lucy Knox  was one of many women who was forced to choose between family and love because of the growing divide between Patriots and Loyalists. Apparently, children didn't always do their parents’ bidding in the 18th century, either! 

From the Card:

  • You are the daughter of a wealthy Royal official but you marry a young bookseller.
  • Your husband becomes a general in the Continental Army. You warn him to expect “equal command” in the home.
  • A maneuver by your husband allows the Patriots to capture Boston, forcing your Loyalist family to flee the country.
  • You never see your family again, but you tell your husband that he is far dearer to you than all of them.
  • You and your husband retire to an estate in Maine that you inherit from your father.

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