Jane Mecom

Jane Mecom

A widow who lives a cheerless life in the shadow of her famous brother.

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While her brother was off becoming a world renowned celebrity, Jane Mecom lived a sad and meager existence. Hers is a tragic story of someone who had intelligence and promise but never found any success. Bright, but never formally educated, she undertook the task of writing down her life story and made herself a book just 14 pages long.

From the Card:

  • You marry Edward Mecom, a saddlemaker, when you’re 15.
  • Benjamin Franklin is one of your sixteen siblings. He calls you “my favorite” and sends you frequent letters.
  • After your husband’s death, you support yourself by taking boarders into your home. Your house is popular with lawmakers who come to Boston when the Assembly is in session.
  • Two of your sons develop mental illnesses. You struggle but fail to save them from the poorhouse.
  • You flee Boston in 1775. British soldiers loot your home and you lose everything you own.

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