James Brewer

James Brewer

A respected craftsman who gets involved in revolutionary events. 

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We know James Brewer’s name today because he appeared as a witness in the trial of the soldiers following the Boston Massacre. Boston was port town, and people who made or repaired parts for sailing vessels were always able to find work. As a pump and block maker James Brewer’s trade was always in demand until the Port of Boston was shut down during a war. 




From the Card:

  • Like your father before you, you make pulleys and pumps for ships.
  • On the night of the Boston Massacre you are one of hundreds of people who pour out into the street and witness the historic event.
  • When ships bearing controversial British Tea arrive in 1773, you are among those who volunteer to guard the ships night and day to make sure they are not unloaded.
  • During the war you are arrested by the British but are freed in a prisoner exchange. It is possible that you were acting as a spy.

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