Christopher Seider

Christopher Seider

His young life is cut short by the political turmoil of Revolutionary Boston.

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Christopher Seider’s tragic death is sometimes called the first bloodshed of the American Revolution. Looking at the young boy before the tragic event we are given a picture of a typical young boy from a poor family, working as a servant and spending his free time reading stories about military heroes. His story serves to remind us of the ordinary lives that became entangled in the chaos of an impending war.


From the Card:

  • You are the son of a poor German immigrant laborer, living on Frog Lane, near the Liberty Tree.
  • Though still in school, you work as a servant to a rich elderly widow.
  • You love stories about military heroes.
  • When you are eleven you join other boys protesting in front of the shop importing and selling British goods. When a Loyalist intervenes, violence results and you are fatally shot.
  • Your death becomes a rallying cry for the Patriots, and over 2,000 people attend your funeral.

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